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Click the Link or the image to download the Beef Order Form.

Please remember to download the order form BEFORE filling out the form electronically through Adobe Reader.

You can save it to your desktop or documents folder and email the completed form to us at your convenience.

**Remember to fill in your name, address and phone number in the top section of this form.**

Download "2025-02-25-Beef-Form.pdf"

Beef Cuts

  • The listed Items are the options that can be gotten from each quarter. Please specify which items you would like as we don't cut all these options as a bundle.
  • Numbers per item are also approximates. 

Front Quarter   

Ground Beef ~ 50-60 lbs.
Chuck Roast - 12
Arm Roast - 3
Delmonico Steaks - 14
Soup Bones
Short Ribs

Hind Quarter

Ground Beef ~ 40-50 lbs.
Rump Roast - 2
Bottom Round Roast - 2
Eye Round Roast - 2

Sirloin Steak - 6
Sirloin Tip Steak - 6
Top Round Steak - 8
T-bone & Porterhouse Steaks
7 each
Tenderloin Steaks - 12
New York Steaks - 16

Mixed Quarter Yields
Approx. 125 lbs Meat

Ground Beef ~ 40-50 lbs.
Chuck Roast ~ 6-7
Arm Roast ~ 1-2
Delmonico Steaks ~ 6-7
Short Ribs
Soup Bones
Rump Roast - 1
Bottom Round Roast - 1
Eye Round Roast - 1
Sirloin Steaks ~ 3-4
Sirloin Tip Steaks - 3
Top Round Steaks - 4
T-Bone & Porterhouse Steaks
4 each
Tenderloin Steaks - 6
New York Strip Steaks - 8

*London Broil is the same thing as Top Round. Can be a roast or steaks.

Also Available

Stew Cubes
Chipped Steak
Stir Fry
Hamburger Patties
- 10 lb. minimum
Dried Beef - 5 lb. minimum
Sausage - 10 lb. minimum
Sweet Bologna - 30 lb. minimum
Lebanon Bologna - 30 lb. minimum
Scrapple - 20 pans
Pan Pudding - takes 6 lbs. of meat per pan
Jerky - 10 lb. minimum

Jerky Flavors
Original, Hot, Hickory
- 10 lb. minimum per flavor

Stick Flavors
Sweet, Hickory, Pepper, Hot, Kielbasa